Column addition with carrying

Now your child has practiced addition in columns without carrying, they are ready to understand why the ten needs to be carried across to the tens column.

Explain that any number greater than 9 can not be written in the units column. They will need to partition the number into tens and units and write the additional ten below the tens column ready to be added. Again reinforce that we always begin with the units column.

If they cross out the additional ten when adding,  it will encourage fewer mistakes when adding mentally.

Watch the clip below to practice with your child.

Column addition without carrying

Now your child has a secure understanding of the value of digits within each column they are ready to move to column addition without carrying.

This means that the total in the units column does not go above 10.  Explain the importance of keeping the sum and the answer in columns  as this will help to prevent mistakes when adding .

Watch the clip below to practice this method with your child.

A3: Forward Jump -Adding multiple jumps of ten on an empty number line

Once your child can master adding on one jump of ten, they can apply their understanding to adding on more than one jump of ten.

It is important that they realise that the tens column is the one increases when 10 is added.

e.g.  12 + 10 = 22

The tens column increases by 1 ten.

Watch the clip below to practice this written method at home.

A3: Forward Jump -Adding a jump of ten on an empty number line

This is the next step after adding units. It is very important that the child understands how the place value of a digit changes when we add on a jump of 10.

The jump of ten needs to be larger than the unit jumps as this helps the child to distinguish between the value. Again it is very important that the jumps are big enough to be written it. This step is vital in the understanding of the method.

Watch the clip below to practice adding on a jump of ten with your child.